Saturday, June 25, 2011

SMART Goal Setting

A well-defined goal is the key to success in all aspects of life.  Below is a breakdown of the method I use to define goals for myself and my clients.

SMART stands for Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timeline:

S = Specific: Goals must be explained within specific parameters.  Try to avoid vague descriptions like "I want to lose weight." Instead, describe how much weight you want to lose through a number or unit and most importantly, what methods you will use to reach your goal.  A specific goal will sound more like this- "I want to decrease my waist circumference by two inches in two months through aerobic/ strength training (1hr per session and 4-5 days perweek) and a healthy balanced diet through nutritional tracking with"

M = Measurable: If progress can't be measured, it's nearly impossible to know how close you are to achieving the goal.  Take the guesswork out and schedule a day every week to measure progress through methods such as body circumference and skinfold measurements.  If you want to monitor a loss of two inches from the waist, mini goals must be set on a weekly basis. For example: "Every week, I will measure my waist circumference with a goal of -1 cm per week."

A = Attainable: Don't set a goal that's beyond your reach. Start with a goal that's fairly easy and then raise the bar little by little. If you lost a quarter inch in a little over a month, try to lose a full inch next time!

R = Realistic: Sometimes sacrifices must be made to reach a goal.  Although watching TV and playing video games are good things to give up, sleep should not be one of them.  A common healthy amount of sleep is about 7.5 hours +- 30 min.  There is exactly 168 hours in one week and if sleep is factored in, only 115.5 hours remains to take care of other priorities such as eating, working and making time to train.  Keep this in mind when trying to create realistic goals.

T = Timeline: Without a deadline, progress may occur so slowly that it feels like you're going nowhere. By setting a deadline, you will feel the right amount of pressure to stay motivated towards reaching your goal on time. Set an alarm on a phone of write it in a calendar/ planner as a reminder. "By the end of the month, I should be halfway there! I only have three weeks left!"

An exercise program is pointless if goals aren't set to ensure progress through deadlines.  Follow these guidelines and you will be one giant step closer towards success!

Saturday, June 18, 2011

How To Design a Strength Training Program

An effective strength training program will address muscle imbalances to improve posture, range of motion and internal resistance, and utilize exercises that tranlate best to the target sport or activity.  To make the right decisions, use these four questions:

1. What major muscle groups needs to be trained?
2. What type of training should be used?
3. What energy system should be stressed?
4. What are the primary sites of concern for injury prevention?
Target sport: cycling
  • Gluteus maximus, medius, quadriceps, hip fexors, hamstrings, ab-/adductors.
  • Plyometrics, tempo training, flexibility, power, upper body strength.
  • Aerobic system (endurance)- 30-80% 1RM, 10-25 reps, 3+ reps, moderate speed of movement. 2x/week.
  • Anaerobic system (strength, power)- ~1RM, 1-12 reps, 3+ sets, slow eccentric/ concentric, 1x/week
  • Clavicle fractures are common cycling injuries. Strengthen all muscles that support/ stabilize the clavicle.
After answering these questions, calculate one rep max for each exercise and use this value to determine the weight needed to elicit improvements in strength, hypertrophy, power and endurance.
  • Strength: 60-70% 1RM, 1-8 sets, 1-12 reps, 2-3 min rest (core) or 1-2 min other muscle groups
  • Hypertrophy (increase muscle size): 60-70% 1RM, 1-8 sets, 8-12 reps, 1-2 min rest
  • Power: >80% 1RM, 1-6 sets, 2-3 min rest (core)/ 1-2 min other muscle groups
  • Endurance: 50-70% 1RM, 1-8 sets, 15-25+ reps, 1-2 min rest for high rep sets
These are the athletic guidelines from the American College of Sports Medicine.

American College of Sports Medicine: Position stand on progression models in resistance training for healthy adults. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise. 34(2):364-380 (2002).

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

How to: Periodization

Periodization is one of the most effective ways to prevent overtraining syndrome- the point where physiological maladaptions can occur for months to years.  A periodized program will typically organize workouts into macrocycles, mesocycles and microcycles; 12 week, 4 week and 7 days blocks, respectively. Within each cycle, overload is progressively increased, then decreased to allow for recovery.

Expressed in percentages, a year-long periodized program is broken down into four parts:
  • 50% Preparation
  • 25% Precompetition
  • 15% Competition
  • 10% Active rest

Applying this schedule to a program, this is how RPE (Ratings of Perceived Exertion) varies week-to-week.

Macrocycle (12 weeks): 5, 6, 8, 4, 6, 7, 9, 4, 7, 8, 10, 4
  1. Three moderate intensity weeks (preparation)
  2. Three moderate to high intensity weeks (precompetition)
  3. Three high duration or volume OR race speed weeks (competition)
  4. Three recovery weeks (active rest)
Mesocycle (4 weeks): 5, 6, 8, 4
  1. One moderate intensity week (preparation)
  2. One moderate to high intensity week (precompetition)
  3. One high volume/ duration week (competition)
  4. One recovery week (active rest)
Microcycle (7 days): 6, 7, 8, 5, 8, 9, 4
  1. Two easy days (active rest)
  2. Two hard/ high intensity days (competition)
  3. Three moderate intensity days (preparation/ precompetition)

  1. Plowman, Sharon A., and Denise L. Smith. Exercise physiology for health, fitness, and performance. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. Print.

How To Calculate 1RM (rep max)

One rep max is measurement of muscular strength, not endurance.  Athletes who dominantly use the anaerobic system would get the most out of a one rep maximum strength test.

If a spotter isn't present or if the participant has a medical condition that could be aggravated by maximal intensity weight lifting, use the equation.  Individuals with hypertension should especially avoid 1RM testing.  Because heavy weights cannot be lifted quickly in a one rep max test, the primary movers and the core muscles will contract almost isometrically and increase blood pressure quickly.  This can lead to serious problems or even death.  Consult an experienced or competent fitness professional to spot the lift.  

Generally, power exercises should be avoided due to its explosive nature.  Power exercise also cannot be spotted, so the risk is even greater.  If it has to be done, it's wise to estimate one rep max through multiple repetitions.  For those competing in weightlifting, make sure you have above normal mobility so that you have multiple options to safely exit the lift.

For general fitness purposes, one rep max is best for larger muscle groups and exercises that may be performed with control:
  • Bench press - Pectoralis major
  • Squat - Gluteus maximus
  • Split squat - Gluteus maximus, hamstrings
  • Romanian dead lift - Gluteus maximus
  • Step up - Gluteus maximus
  • Shoulder press - Trapezius, triceps
  • Knee extension - Quadriceps
  • Knee flexion - Hamstrings
It's not appropriate or safe to 1RM test stabilizing muscles like the core, rotator cuff, neck, and deep hip rotators.  Asking a stabilizing muscle to function as a primary mover is a recipe for disaster.  Here are some exercises to avoid:
  • External rotation - Rotator cuff muscles
  • Hip abduction - Gluteus minimus/ medius
  • Hip adduction - Adductor magnus
  • Spine extension - Erector spinae
  • Crunch - Rectus abdominis
  • Oblique crunch - External/ internal oblique
You'll get a more accurate estimation with less repetitions than with more repetitions.  However, between these two equations, you'll get a reasonable upper and lower theoretical 1RM value.
Equation 1
  • 1RM = [(reps/30) + 1] * weight (lbs)
Brzycki Formula (2)
  • 1RM = w / (1.0278 - (0.0278 * repetitions))

  1. Bloomfield, John, Timothy Robert Ackland, and Bruce C. Elliott. Applied anatomy and biomechanics in sport. New York: Blackwell Scientific Publications, 1994. Print.
  2. Brzycki, Matt (1998). A Practical Approach To Strength Training. McGraw-Hill. ISBN 1-570-28018-5.
  3. Plowman, Sharon A., and Denise L. Smith. Exercise physiology for health, fitness, and performance. 3rd ed. Philadelphia: Wolters Kluwer Health/Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2011. Print.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Carb, Fat, and Protein Recommended Intake for Athletes

The guidelines below are dietary recommendations specific to athletes.

Carbohydrate: The main focus should be on consuming more complex carbohydrates than simple sugars.
  • Daily Intake: 6-10 g/kg/day
  • Precompetition: 1-4 g/kg one to four hours before the event
  • During exercise (food): 25-30g carbs/ 30 min after one hour
  • During exercise (drink): 6-8 oz. water or sports drink every 10-15 min OR based on thirst levels.
  • After exercise (must be within 30 minutes!): ~1.2-1.5 g/kg/hr

Fat:  Stay within 20-30% of total caloric intake. 10% should come from saturated fats- bulk should consist of poly- and monounsaturated fatty acids.

Protein: Recommendations vary by sport:
  • Strength Training: 1.6-1.7 g/kg/day
  • Endurance: 1.2-1.4 g/kg/day
  • NOTE: Exceeding 1.7 g/kg BW provides no additional benefits... excess will be converted into fat!

Mickleborough, Timothy. "Nutrition for Sport." Physiology. Indiana University. School of Health Physical Education and Recreation, Bloomington, IN. 10 Aug. 2010. Lecture.

Fuel sources for Exercise

1. Carbohydrate (4 kcal/g): Carbohydrate is the main source of fuel for many of the metabolic process of the body. Before using it for fuel, the body converts carbohydrate into a monosaccharide called glucose which is released into the blood for the muscles to use. When resting, carbohydrates are converted to glycogen, the complex storage form of glucose. Glycogen is stored either in the liver or the muscle. Typically, the carbohydrates stored in liver and skeletal muscle is limited to about 2,500 to 2,600 kcal which is approximately the number of calories needed to complete 25 miles of running. (1)

Consuming carbohydrates during exercise lasting 1-4 hours can improve performance.  This happens due to the following possible mechanisms:
  1. Preservation of liver glycogen
  2. Promotion of glycogen synthesis during exercise
  3. Increased reliance on blood glucose for energy late in the exercise bout
  4. Enhanced central nervous system function
The complex carbohydrate is the best form of carbohydrate to consume for the following reasons:
  • Increases muscle glycogen (the storage form of carbs)
  • Improves performance
  • Delays fatigue or time to exhaustion
  • Causes less stomach problems and indigestion
  • Leads to lower blood sugar and insulin levels
  • Provides other beneficial nutrients found in fruits and vegetables (vitamins, minerals and fiber)
Sources of complex carbohydrates:
  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Whole-grain (breads, rice, cereal, etc.)
  • Legumes (beans, lentils, etc.).

2. Fat (9.4 kcal/g): Fats can provide an amazing amount of energy. For an individual who has about 12% body fat, he or she would have about 70,000 kcal of energy available to burn. That's enough energy to run 28 marathons. So why shouldn't we eat as much fat as possible? Like carbohydrates, fats have to be broken down from a triglyceride into glycerol and free fatty acids. The difference is that the energy released from fat takes too long to release compared to carbohydrate. It cannot support high intensity exercise like carbohydrates can.

3. Protein (4 kcal/g): Protein is the repair nutrient of the immune system and a last-resort fuel source. When carbohydrate and fat stores are depleted, protein is metabolized, contributing to muscle loss or atrophy.  When carbohydrate and fat levels are adequate, protein helps to repair muscle damage caused by exercise. Interestingly, when protein is present alonside with carbohydrates, as it is in milk, glycogen synthesis is enhanced following intense aerobic exercise.

1 Wilmore, Jack H., David L. Costill, and W. Larry Kenney.Physiology of sport and exercise . 4th ed. Champaign, IL: Human Kinetics, 2008. Print.

Monday, June 6, 2011

Racing line strategies and counter-strategies for Crits

In autocross, picking the correct line is one of the most important and most difficult skills to learn.  In cycling, it's even more difficult because one extra variable comes into play- fatigue.  While cars have the luxury to go all out until the fuel goes empty, cyclists must pick and choose when to push the pace and when to conserve energy.

Before I go into the pros and cons of a specific line, I want to cover the three components of a turn- the entry, apex and exit.  The entry is where all of the braking and initial turn-in should occur. This is by far the most important component of a turn because the speed of the entry will determine both the location of the apex and the speed of the exit.  If you enter a turn too fast, there's the possibility of going off course (crash) and if you come into a turn too slow, you'll waste energy during the exit trying to get back up to pace.

The apex is the closest point to the inside of the turn.  The closer you are to the apex, the more room you have for error during the exit.

During the exit, this is where maximum acceleration should occur.  For turns that lead into a long straightaway, the number one goal is to choose a line with the fastest exit speed.  When the turn leads into a short stretch to the finish line, a tighter line which produces a slower exit speed is usually faster because shortening the distance is more valuable.  Keep this in mind when riding through a couple practice laps around the course.

Before beginning to lean into the turn, most of the braking should be completed in a straight line, with more pressure on the front brakes than the rear brakes.  During the initial turn-in to the apex, brake pressure should switch: increasing at the rear and decreasing at the front to avoid losing grip at the front wheel.  This will induce tiny amounts of oversteer, which is much safer to correct than understeer.  Upon hitting the apex, incrementally increase power as grip increases throughout the exit.

There are three ways to approach the apex of a turn. You can either use a late, early or geometrical apex.

#1 LATE APEX - The late apex (blue line) is an approach that places the apex closer to the end of the turn. Like the name implies, almost everything is late- braking, initial turn-in and the location of the apex.

  • Allows for the fastest possible exit speed.  When you're riding solo, use this when you can!

  • Occupies more road, making it more appropriate for single file, solo or small breakaways.
  • Requires more energy to accelerate out of the turn.
  • Slower entry speed means that people can pass you on the inside.
  • Bad line to pick if the turn leads shortly into another turn.

#2 EARLY APEX - The eary apex (red line) is generally used as prep for a second corner that requires a late apex.  To perform an early apex, brake late, turn into the apex early and try to avoid going off course during the exit!

  • Faster entry speed.
  • Creates passing opportunities.
  • Blocks passes during the turn.
  • Good for connecting tight sections.
  • Due to slow exit, it's great for inducing the yo-yo effect to split the field.

  • Slowest exit speed after the turn.

#3 GEOMETRIC APEX - The geometric apex (green line) is an approach that places the apex in the symmetrical center of the turn. Entry and exit paths look exactly identical. The advantage of this approach is that it's predictable, safe, fast, and fuel and fatigue efficient.  This is the most often used line in cycling.

  • Safest and easiest line to execute.
  • Produces the fastest average speed throughout the turn.
  • Requires little energy to execute.

  • Not the fastest method for exits that lead to straights.
  • May produce a slower exit speed in wet conditions.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Optimal Tire Pressure for Cycling

updated 7.29.2024

I will keep updating this post as new methods become available.  If you find new methodologies, please let me know via email ( or use the inquiries form to the right.

Determining Optimal Tire Pressure

I attribute experimenting with tire pressures to my success in autocross.  Too high, and it produced too much sliding; too low, and responsiveness and cornering grip deteriorated.  For daily driving, where finding the right balance of grip and fuel efficiency is the goal, there were tradeoffs between high and low tire pressures.  Higher pressures increased rolling resistance but reduces friction; improving fuel efficiency at the expense of ride comfort and grip, which was evident by the longer braking distances.  In contrast, lower pressures produces a smoother ride and shorter braking distances, but the increased friction led to poor fuel economy.

Compared to automobile tires, I quickly learned that the shape and size of a bicycle tire allowed for lower tire pressures without substantially increasing the contact patch.  Logically, I thought this would mean that lower is better since it would efficiently dampen road imperfections; however, my stance changed after learning how this study saw a significant increase in rolling resistance with increasing lateral sways.  This evidence would suggest that lower tire pressures are more appropriate for rides that are mostly seated and stable, and higher pressures are more appropriate for rides that require more standing and cornering.  Currently, no tire pressure calculators account for increased rolling resistance due to lateral sway, so experimentation and testing is still required to determine the optimal tire pressure based on both riding position, cornering demands and road conditions.

METHOD #1 - Frank Berto Method

Published in 2006, I still think this is the best starting point.  This method aims to produce a ~15% tire drop, which was found to optimize rolling resistance and cornering performance.  I highly recommend checking out Frank Berto's article "All About Tire Inflation."  Here's a shortened version below:
  1. Weigh yourself carrying your bike (bike + rider).
  2. Measure weight distribution.
    • Level both weighing scales.
    • Sit on the bike in your dominant position (hoods, drops or tops).
    • Record front wheel weight.
    • Record rear wheel weight.
  3. Check for errors in measurements.
    • Front wheel weight and rear wheel weight should equal the weight in step one.
  4. Calculate percentage of weight distribution.
    • Divide front wheel weight by total weight.
    • Divide rear wheel weight by total weight.
  5. Calculate difference between weight percentages.
    • Subtract big percentage by smaller percentage.  55% - 45% = 10%
  6. Use chart to determine optimal tire pressure.
    1. Subtract 10% for front wheel.
    2. Add 10% for rear wheel.

METHOD #2:  Michelin Chart

Based on your body weight and tire size, use this chart to determine your tire pressure for clincher tires only.  Keep in mind that this won't provide suggestions for the front and rear tire, so this likely assumes a 50/50 weight distribution.
Michelin Tire Pressure Chart


Elise Sports: Mesh BJJ Gear & Gym Bag Review Incoming!

I'm excited to announce that the folks at Elite Sports will be sending their  Mesh Brazilian Jiu Jitsu BJJ Gear Gym Bag  for review!  I...